Application Development with Reflex-DOM



In addition to the normal Debug.Trace APIs, the following can be used for debugging.

The output of these APIs will be in the browser console when compiled with ghcjs. For jsaddle-warp and webkit based apps the output will be on the terminal.:

traceEvent :: (Reflex t, Show a) => String -> Event t a -> Event t a
traceEventWith :: Reflex t => (a -> String) -> Event t a -> Event t a

Moreover the reflex-dom-contrib package contains a bunch of utility functions. One can just copy-paste these functions, ie use them without dependency on the package.:

-- Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Utils
-- pops up a javascript alert dialog box
alertEvent :: (_) => (a -> String) -> Event t a -> m ()

-- pops up a javascript confirmation dialog box
confirmEvent :: (_) => (a -> String) -> Event t a -> m (Event t a)

-- | Prints a string when an event fires.  This differs slightly from
-- traceEvent because it will print even if the event is otherwise unused.
putDebugLnE :: MonadWidget t m => Event t a -> (a -> String) -> m ()

Hang / Stack Overflow

In general its possible to create a loop by mistake with this kind of code in a “pure” haskell.:

  f v = ... (f v)

But thanks to MonadFix (RecursiveDo) this is a very common problem, even in a “monadic” code.

Basically for doing anything useful one has to introduce a feedback in the event propagation graph. And often this can lead to either a loop or a deadlock.

To fix this

  • Breaking down a big rec block into nested rec blocks or a series of rec blocks. Moving the code in a separate functions can also help simplify the rec block.

    Also see: using newTriggerEvent to break down a big rec block.

  • Avoid using switchPromptlyDyn / tagPromptlyDyn, instead use switch . current / tag . current

    Many times what one really need is the previous value of a Dynamic to create a cyclic event propagation.

  • Use widgetHold against dyn

    Separating an initial value from an update event means that the function using them doesn’t have to call sample on a Dynamic, which can be unsafe when you don’t know whether the MonadFix knot has been tied.

    Using widgetHold ensures that the user doesn’t accidentally give an untied Dynamic.

For more details checkout the articles on MonadFix / RecursiveDo

Compilation Errors

These are a few common compile time errors which can occur while using the widgets

  • If you define a widget but don’t use it any where

    -- 't' is not used anywhere
    let t = textInput $ def
    Compile error
    • Couldn't match type ‘DomBuilderSpace m0’ with ‘GhcjsDomSpace’
        arising from a use of ‘textInput’
      The type variable ‘m0’ is ambiguous
    • In the expression: textInput $ def
      In an equation for ‘t’: t = textInput $ def

    Solution: Simply comment this code or use it.

  • In a rec block if use a “pure” API in a “monadic” context, then you can get weird type errors:

    -- This will lead to type-checker assume the monad to be Dynamic
    ev <- switchPromptlyDyn dynEv

    The biggest problem with such errors is that the line numbers are not correct, so it can take a while to figure out the source of error

    One possible solution is to explicitly specify the type of functions and expression in the let and do block inside of rec:

    --  This is required to specify the types
    --  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    -- This can be useful to specify types partially, just to help figure out source of error
    --  {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
    -- Specify an explicit forall
    myWidget :: forall t m k . (MonadWidget t m, Ord k)
      => Map k Text -> m ()
    myWidget mapInput = do
          eTabClicks :: Event t k = leftmost tabClicksList
        d :: Dynamic t k <- do

Web APIs and FFI

  • For working with DOM and using Web APIs the ghcjs-dom package should suffice.

    It provides APIs like getElementById, getBoundingRect to work with DOM, and many other Web APIs related to geolocation, media management, web audio, etc.

    To use the DOM related APIs for reflex-dom created elements, extract the raw element from the reflex element

    import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM
    import qualified GHCJS.DOM.DOMRectReadOnly as DOM
    import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Element as DOM
      (e,_) <- el' "div" $ text "Hello"
      let getCoords e = DOM.liftJSM $ do
            rect <- DOM.getBoundingClientRect (_element_raw e)
            y <- DOM.getY rect
            h <- DOM.getHeight rect
            return (y,h)
      performEvent (getCoords e <$ ev)
  • But when using external .js files, one has to do arbitrary JS code execution.

    For doing this jsaddle package is preferred as it provides a type-safe way to execute the JS code.

    See documentation of Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Object for examples

    See DOM-UI Libraries for example usage.

  • It is also possible to do arbitrary JS code block execution using eval API from Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Evaluate.

    eval :: (ToJSString script) => script -> JSM JSVal
    liftJSM $ eval "console.log('Hello World')"
  • JSFFI functions

    This will only work with ghcjs:

    import GHCJS.Types (JSVal)
    foreign import javascript unsafe
      "try { $r = $1 / $2; } catch (e) { $r = "error"; }"
      divide :: Double -> Double -> JSVal


Capturing DOM events with FFI

Many of the Web APIs work on a callback mechanism, where a user supplied function will be called. Many of these APIs in JS code start with on prefix.

Example JS code for creating an AudioNode to handle audio data, Source

// Give the node a function to process audio events
scriptNode.onaudioprocess = function(audioProcessingEvent) {
  // The input buffer is the song we loaded earlier
  var inputBuffer = audioProcessingEvent.inputBuffer;

Similar callback can be created by using the on API from GHCJS.DOM.EventM

-- here audioProcess is the equivalent "tag" for JS onaudioprocess

  myNode :: ScriptProcessorNode

  liftJSM $ on myNode audioProcess myAudioProcessHandler

myAudioProcessHandler :: EventM ScriptProcessorNode AudioProcessingEvent ()
myAudioProcessHandler = do
  -- aEv :: AudioProcessingEvent
  aEv <- ask
  buf <- getInputBuffer aEv

Exception Handling

Integrating CSS and embed in HTML

reflex-dom has the following entry points for embedding CSS and a head widget:

mainWidget :: (forall x. Widget x ()) -> IO ()

mainWidgetWithHead :: (forall x. Widget x ()) -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> IO ()

-- Share data between head and body widgets
mainWidgetWithHead' :: (a -> Widget () b, b -> Widget () a) -> IO ()

-- import Data.FileEmbed -- from file-embed package
-- This requires TemplateHaskell
-- customCss :: ByteString
-- customCss = $(embedFile "src/custom.css")
mainWidgetWithCss :: ByteString -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> IO ()

mainWidgetInElementById :: Text -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> IO ()

reflex-dom-core provides equivalent functions in Reflex.Dom.Main for use with jsaddle-warp


Nix based server

If your server has nix installed then the steps to deploy are quite simple.

If you are using reflex-project-skeleton or following follow the instructions and create the nix-build outputs of your backend and frontend projects.

  • Frontend

    For ghcjs based projects the frontend-result will contain the *.js files which you can simply copy to the desired location on server.

    For information on the use of closure compiler to reduce the size of all.js see

  • Backend

    For backend-result once you have the build products ready, copy them to server using:

    # or nix copy, if using nix 2.0
    $ nix-copy-closure --to backend-result

    You will have to configure the server’s nix configuration and add someuser to trusted users:

    For NixOS add this to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

    nix.trustedUsers = [ "someuser" ];

    For non NixOS, add this to /etc/nix/nix.conf:

    trusted-users = someuser

    On the server then use the same nix-path


Rendering image from ByteString

If you have the encoded image data as ByteString then you can render the image in browser using the img tag in combination with createObjectURL.

This API will create a URL which can be specified in the img tag’s src attribute:

foreign import javascript unsafe "window['URL']['createObjectURL']($1)" createObjectURL_ :: Blob.Blob -> IO JS.JSVal

createObjectURL :: ByteString -> IO Text
createObjectURL bs = do
  let opt :: Maybe JS.BlobPropertyBag
      opt = Nothing
  -- bsToArrayBuffer :: MonadJSM m => ByteString -> m ArrayBuffer
  ba <- bsToArrayBuffer bs
  b <- Blob.newBlob [ba] opt
  url <- createObjectURL_ b
  return $ T.pack $ JS.fromJSString $ JS.pFromJSVal url

Android / iOS Apps

On a mobile device the speed of a ghcjs based browser app can be extremely bad. But the good news is that with little effort the reflex-dom apps can be compiled to run as a native mobile app. The performance of these apps can be considerably faster (of the order of 10x) as the haskell runtime runs on the actual processor.

See the README of reflex-project-skeleton or for instructions of creating an android or iOS app from your frontend project.

Also see:


Cross-compiling currently doesn’t support Template Haskell, so replace all the makeLenses, etc code with generated splices


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